Take a look at this possibility:
Its all you. Everything.
Everything is a projection of you.
Yes, it may be out there as well,
and, if there is any judgement, what so ever,
everything you are seeing and experiencing is you.
That’s not so convenient is it – makes your reality, your responsibility.
And have you noticed, even when you get your way, the feeling good
does not last long. In no time at all, up pops another problem/desire.
Please consider: there is no such thing as a problem.
What is called a problem is just a fact that is not being accepted for
what it is.
Test that out with some things that your are calling a problem in your
life. Isn’t the discomfort because your mind wants the situation to be different
from the way it actually is? And isn’t your mind telling you that your way is ‘right’?
(The anatomy of an argument?)
Please consider this possibility – your mind cannot comprehend itself.
Your mind does not know it is a mind. (It assumes it is God!)
Not your particular mind – because your mind says you are inferior?
That is what I am attempting to share with you – your mind is telling you
‘what is’ – the same way ‘God’ does.
So imagine – everything ‘out there’ is ‘in there.’
So, once again, if you are judging that someone is selfish,
it is your selfishness you are experiencing.
They maybe as well, but if there is judgement,
it is your judgement you are experiencing.