This is intended to communicate at a ‘deeper’ level than than is usual
here. The words we use will have to be the same, but the message is much
more subtle. So although not obviously so, almost abstract.
So if you want to get at least of a glimpse of what is intended to be
conveyed, this is not an email to skim, speed read, or automatically
assume you have understood the intended meaning.
Science is now telling us that, what they have been telling us up to now
as absolutely, undoubtedly indisputably true – is not now so. Never has been.
And what they are telling us now is absolutely, undoubtedly indisputably
true. (Until the next time they announce the same thing all over again.
Always been so.) In the past, science has blamed it on to the rigid control of
religion. That excuse if no longer valid.
Isn’t it amazing to you? – that the’ absolutely, undoubtedly indisputably
true information’ is being dispensed by people who do not even know who
they are, where they have come from, or where they are going?
And they admit that they have no idea of what is the basis of a human
being – consciousness?
Let’s take a look at something fundamental: For what, do we want to know?
Is it natural curiosity? Fascination? Intrigue? Desire to expand human
consciousness? More likely – Control. Controlling Nature.
(Not doing a great job so far are we.)
One aspect to consider is that it is not possible to control nature –
because, we are nature – and we really, really do not like the idea of
being controlled. We will do anything to get the feeling that we are in
control – so even though there are no such states on planet earth, we want
to have the feeling of being safe, secure and predictable.
Now to go a bit deeper.
It goes like this: there is no such thing as human objectivity.
As I go to write about this there is a reticence – how to even start!
The mind cannot objectively be adjective about the mind. How can it!
It is like a machine trying to observe itself. And even if it could,
it has to observe itself through the programming it has been given about
Impossible – until: “The seer and the seen are one.”
From not knowing anything at all about the mind (although thinking we did)
now, through new equipment, we are getting some glimpses. Through these
new machines we are realising that the brain does not function anything like
the way we thought it did. (We still have a long, long way to go.)
Don’t want to go too deeply into this aspect here.
I have sent out links to some relevant sites, and there are many, many
more on the web: The mind does not experience what is called reality in
real time – it accesses old information it has been fed in the past.
The mind is not seeing/experiencing ‘what is out there.’ Big Subject.
(In fact, there may not be anything out there. That is an even bigger
The mind does not, and cannot ‘know.’ It does not have the functionally,
or capacity The mind just thinks, and so, it just thinks, it knows.
Until we even start to observe ourselves we have no idea of the complexity
of the brain. There are levels and levels. Let’s take a gross example.
You hear that a close friend has been car-jacked, kidnapped, tortured
raped, and killed. Check out the mind. At what we could call the grossest
level we could want to have the same done to the perpetuator. So at this
depth we would want them tortured and killed. Then through levels and
levels: punished and imprisoned to hard labour; imprisoned; imprisoned
with counselling; and so on – and so into the ‘other side’ where there are an
equal number of levels – of caring.
The practical. If you are not blissfully happy and delightfully grateful,
you are not at your maximum potential. And you can be – nothing is stopping
you, except – you are not putting your main energy, time and money into what
is undoubtably your priority. When this is so simply available to you, why
would you settle for anything less!
When out, my 100 year old mother often asks people if they are happy, and
are they enjoying what they are doing. If not, she advises them to to move
on. “When you get to my age you get to see everything you haves missed –
and then it is too late.” She sometimes goes back to a café – and the waiter has
‘moved on!
We are so busy and preoccupied and self-centred we do not know ourselves –
including the subtle levels of the mind. It is a huge and complex machine
we have on the top of our bodies – and, programmed by people who are not happy.
Unsupervised, we are allowing this underdeveloped machine to run our lives!
Once again… we need to slow down. Stop. Take a breath. Look, and listen
– to the outside, and what we call the inside. We are so unaware and
What is that mind actually saying to you? Are you, out of habit and
addiction, just taking something for granted, or are you looking deeper
into more subtle levels. You may be amazed at the prejudice in there –
and/or the compassionate delight. Never too late – to start a new life –
in each moment.
Recent quote from Oprah: “The single greatest thing you can do to change
your life today would be to start being grateful for what you have right
now. And the more grateful you are, the more you get.”
Happy deep-thinking gratefulling…