About Paul
Paul Lowe has travelled around the world many times, exploring deserts and jungles, living with indigenous peoples, gurus and crooks, counselling street people as well as the rich and famous. Throughout, Paul’s passion has been the study of human potential. He is continually encouraging people to step beyond what they think is possible. He says:
“As far back as I can remember, I have felt a strong curiosity about life. I’ve wanted to know and experience all facets of living. It’s as though I am only visiting this planet, and when I ‘go back’, everyone will ask questions about what it’s like to be on Earth. I think experiencing experiences is one of the main aspects of being here.”
Paul has shared his insights worldwide for over 50 years. In his talks and workshops he addressed everyday issues like sexuality, relationships, parenting, communication, religion, health, finance, work, and happiness. His view of the world encourages people to go beyond what they normally thought possible… or impossible.
In 2007 Paul stopped travelling and is now retired. However, his writings, audios and videos are available here on his website for you to enjoy. The main theme of his sharing is the abstract and indefinable aspects of consciousness: Where do we come from? What is our purpose while we are here? What is consciousness? Are there other dimensions or universes parallel to ours? Is there a place in us beyond the personal? He has also constantly encouraged people to look beyond themselves and contribute to life and living.
The experiences he has had throughout his rich life confirm what the sages have always been saying. There is nothing new here – no new theory, no teaching, and no technique. What is new is Paul’s unique way of communicating the wisdom of the ages.
Paul sharings are clear, caring and perhaps most importantly, humorous. He encourages people to neither agree nor disagree with what they hear but rather feel deep within themselves while listening. Every one of us already knows the truth. We just need reminding.
Photograph taken in 2015 by Steve Sundram, @ Warmlight Studios Photography