Just a few snippets. Sorry there isn’t time and space for all.
Thank you all for your love, appreciation, and donations.
Exclusion & Conflict In Relations. All I can say is Wow!
An amazing clip and so true. I have had an issue with confrontation all my
life. I never understood the need for, yet was often in a relationship or am in
It as if hearing the truth of what (Paul) said woke me up and and me
realise the problem with my marriage and all my relationships is honesty and
integrity but mostly with myself.
Thank you to all that help proved these messages and to Paul himself.
I love to see and hear all of Paul´s news and sharings on “new
I often feel so utterly connected to things
beeing shared, it makes me weep and tremble.
when sometimes I feel everything is too
foggy, and then I take time to listen to an
audio of Paul, and really letting it through,
then it often happens, that in me happens
like sort of harmonising again. It talks to me,
even in the things he does not say. It is how
it is said too. And then like a shift can happen.
I’m finding the wisdom Paul chooses to share in these tapes soooo relevant
to what’s arising for me. I mean he could have said so many things, how
did he happen to say THAT just now!
I am find it a great blessing, to get your talks, comments and audios per
email. I love your audios, I have downloaded them all and I am listening to
them nearly every day, choosing one which is helping me in a particular
situation which I am in.
In your audios you become more and more concise and emphatic and when I
listen to them it penetrates all my cells and that pushes me to be more
aware of what I am doing the whole day.
I thank you so much, that you take the trouble to do all that and I hope
you continue.