Visiting recently, a friend I have known for many years.
Lovely, intelligent, sincere, and caring being.
And, even after many years, searching in every way,
same flatness – of body posture, gestures, facial expressions, voice,
Considering what an exceptionally intelligent person, this is amazing.
(And, no longer my business/responsibility.)
This behaviour is not unusual – very few people change in a fundamental
way. Usually, for almost everyone, the main behavioural patterns remain.
For that brief time, Dianne was an exception.
What was interesting for me this time was my lack of motivation
to point out to them their set behavioural patterns.
Of course I am in this indirect way, if they read this,
and it is no longer personal to me.
A relief, for in the past there was always a strong response to help the
person to see more clearly where they are trapping their main potential.
As an experiment, let’s just presume that my experience of the potential
of each person is correct – it is unlimited. Absolutely unlimited – in
every way. So how come they/you behave in this automatic restricting way!
My theory: it feels safer. Humans are lazy, and hate change – and the
When we were very young – and spontaneously alive, we were always in
trouble. In order to survive we had get approval, and in order to get approval
we had to behave the way the robots around us approved.
Then we forgot – and became robots.
So is there a simple way to wake up? Yes.
Is it easy? No.
I think one of my motivations to helping people see how they are
restricting their potential was – it was painful to watch. Them struggling,
complaining, suffering – when all that was needed was a simple remedy!
Now, I see that everyone is just doing what they want to be doing,
the way they want to be doing it.
No you say? So how come almost everyone that wakes up, says,
in their own unique way, exactly the same thing – be here now!
Once again.
In order to realise your as yet unknown potential, you just need to be
unconditionally aware, in every moment, of your posture, gestures, facial
expressions, tone of voice, what you are saying, and what you are thinking.
As they say in the *iChing* (is that where Steve Jobs got it from!) –
no blame.
Sending encouraging love