Hi Love, Thank you for sharing about your awakening experience. You say: “…. for the recent 2 weeks I have often felt I just want to disappear, to float off, to not be here, tears and I don’t know. Many many beautiful times too. Maybe just feeling so much of peoples stuff, and also to …
Until we have had at least a Satori, we have absolutely no idea who or what we are, and how we are behaving. Unconscious to the fact that we are unconscious to the fact. Until we are actually living in a moment to moment state of awakening, we are presented by our automatic behaviour/character/personality. Until …
If we have any personal preferences, let alone desires, we are attaching ourselves to repeated suffering. Until we realise, for ourselves, that the only smooth passage is “Thy Will be done” the struggle continues. Of course, as the ‘Thy’ is also us – so we might as well get on with what wants to happen. …
You only see in others to the depth to which you have become aware in yourself. That is why, although we think we do, we don’t see each other. What we see is the level to which we have become aware of in ourselves. *What we think we are seeing is just a projection of …
Hi Love, The depressing bit is a bit depressing isn’t it. I think I know how you feel, and I feel for you. Some Ramblings… There are two ways of looking at it — and both are the same in one way: it is the way it is. One way is to say that it …
Greetings All, I have put a Reply at the end of this email. Seems like waking up is happening to many people. Let’s keep remembering… Not to take anything too seriously; Look out beyond ourselves; Watch and accept any againstness — to ourselves and each other; No Us & Them; Come together and be available …
Hi Love, >How is all this in your experience Paul? Love to know how it appears there? Does it all settle down after a while into just a flow of being? Yes, and it is an interesting question for me — because I don’t really know how it is. It just is. It seems I can attempt to …
Hi Love, When someone wakes up they either stay silent on the subject — because they realise that it is impossible to tell someone who is asleep what it is like to be awake — let alone try to tell them how to wake up; or they attempt to share. The way they attempt to share …