Hi Love, I have lots more floating around about science, and it is not formulating at the moment. I suppose it is based on what you say – that science is like religion – the theoretical source is pure, just the application and the applicators are, like the majority of people in organisations these days, …
Of course science a a wide field, and, as with most things, there are generalities. So it seems, science is telling us, for sure, there is no scientific proof for Astrology. In fact, I have read, they say it is nonsense, and by their scientific criteria, they can prove that. Personally, I have a vague …
We are all now hearing more about the greed, ruthlessness and arrogance of the ‘1 percent’ – and the protestations by the .00000000001 percent. (While the rest of us snooze on?) This is what I look at – the 1 percent are powerless on their own. It is not the 1 percent who are controlling …
This is intended to communicate at a ‘deeper’ level than than is usual here. The words we use will have to be the same, but the message is much more subtle. So although not obviously so, almost abstract. So if you want to get at least of a glimpse of what is intended to be …