Greetings dear friends
We have been receiving lovely, grateful, insightful and loving comments.
We like that. Thank you all.
Would really like to reply to you all individually, and that is not
practical. Please feel our grateful love.
Just to remind again:
It is possible that we are now into The Great Change in Consciousness
that has been predicted for many years.
In order to blend with this change with as little personal disturbance as
possible, we need to keep disconnecting from everything, and I mean absolutely
everything, that we think we know about what we call Reality.
A little disturbance is to be expected – because, it is not just a new way
of you experiencing reality, it is a new way of experiencing the one who is
experiencing the change in perspective – you.
According to many predictions, the new is going to be beyond what,
at the moment, we can imagine.
As usual, the antidote to everything uncomfortable is just to be in the
moment – unconditionally as possible, just as it is.
And be as light, playful, loving and unserious as possible under the new
We are sending you all lots of love