A friend wrote on IMLtalk :
“Some days ago I went to bed. I felt like being in a different space.
My whole body was trembling and I felt a very fine energy in every cell.
All the sudden I had a picture: I saw this planet, this dimension as a
bubble – like a balloon or sphere. The ‘border’ was a very thin layer, like the skin
of a membrane. What I call myself, the main part of myself was outside of this
membrane somehow attached or connected to it.
Every time I had a desire, a judgement, a believe, even the slightest
preference about something, a part of myself immediately moved though
the membrane onto the other side. It was as if arms or tentacles
constantly went through this membrane, down into this dimension.
I realized, that the more I was attached to or identified with a thought,
the deeper down a part of me went. Holding onto something was like
keeping a constant string of energy down to an anchor point just for this believe.
I caught myself, that there almost wasn’t and isn’t a single moment in my
life where I don’t judge, don’t have have a position, a preference –
might it even be the tiniest thing- it still would go through this
membrane onto the other side.
This picture of my interaction with the sphere and the membrane
illustrates in a such simple and direct way so much of what Paul is
talking about all this years: what I do and how I permanently create
a certain state of being (dimension) for myself.
It seems to be so simple and at the same time almost impossible to just
stop having desires and positions about something – given the fact that
they are there all the time, with everything in every moment!
Hi Love,
Beautiful experience, and, it may not be quite the way you are seeing the situation.
This ‘being unconditional’ is a bit tricky – because it includes being conditional!
Being unconditional includes everything. Everything.
So you see, if you are truly unconditional, then you will include being
conditional. I know it is not easy to comprehend, and it is pivotal to unconditional
The mind can only access the past.
So if the thinking mind is the focus, only thoughts of the past can be
accessed – and that will be telling you not to be conditional. Not true.
The unconditional moment includes everything – just, just as it is. Just as it is.
So if you are conditional, and you are aware that you are conditional, and
are then unconditional about being conditional, then you are
unconditional. Tiddly Pom.
Could be a Zen Koen couldn’t it.
To make it simple – YES!
I do intend to write and talk a lot more about this now.
Many of us are entering a new phase.
You may have noticed, many of the links being sent out on IML now are about
the finer points of awareness – vibrations, frequencies, It is happening –
to more of us.
And it is almost impossible to talk about – ‘the truth cannot be said’ – and, it can be
sensed – because it is in all of us, and now, for many, it is ripe to be unlocked.
Suggestion. Go on living your normal life – in a totally new way.
Rather than just focussing on what is happening, let the priority be, more awareness
of the depths of the actual moment.