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If you don’t hold, whatever you don’t need can drift away –
which will then make space for the new.
One thing that I seemed to be seeing, that looks as though it is so, at least for me, is that nothing is a coincidence, that there are no mistakes. Nothing is wrong, in that… everything seems to be the way it needs to be, in that very moment. So we can certainly see things that we don’t want in our life or doesn’t seem to fit or in harmony, and yet there is always something in me that says: and it’s not a coincidence that it’s there. It’s there as part of something.
And whether I recognize or not what part it has to play in my life, it has a part to play in my life, whether I see it or not. And more often I can see how it has a part to play in another person’s life. What I often don’t see, it’s “Oh, that’s a strange thing to happen; I wonder what that’s about” – but that’s the word, I wonder what that’s about, and that seems to open things up. But everything is happening, just the way it’s happening. Everything is how it -well, there isn’t a word- needs to be, or… is the maximum potential.
And we don’t recognize it, because we keep wanting things the way we want them to be. But we don’t recognize the way we want things to be is actually a result of our neurosis. We actually want things to be the way our neurosis wants them to be. And we don’t stop and recognize: now, this is happening; now, what’s that about? Or: this person is coming into my life and that’s not pleasant, and yet they come into my life. So what’s that about? And being with exactly what is in each moment.
And to me that becomes a wondering wonder. There is something else going on. There seems always to be something else going on – unseeingly on many different levels. And then, it seems to be saying: and this is it. What is the maximum potential of this, this very moment?
It seems to be my reality now, that that is the way it is. And of course I don’t know that that is the way it is, but it seems to be that that is the way: Oh, so this needed to happen. Oh, so that person needed an accident. Well, that person needed to find they’ve got cancer. Oh, so that person needed to die.
That, that’s the way it is, doesn’t seem many question that the way it is, is the way it is, and nothing is ever wrong. There is no such thing as wrong. Everything is part of, Heraclitus says “The hidden harmony”. There is a hidden harmony.
Everything is interwoven with everything else.
And nothing ever happens in isolation. So the fact that somebody else has an accident and we see it on the television doesn’t mean that it’s just their thing. Somehow, the fact that we saw it, somewhere there is something in there for us. On a practical level, it gets reported every now and again that somebody was watching a survival program on television, and then find themselves in a survival situation. And what they saw on television helps them to survive.
And in someway I think that happens on every level with everything, everything anybody says or does or what’s going on – there is something in there for us. If we would just open up, just be curious, and absorb. And then there is, I’ve said so often, as though then, when there’s no rejection, no againstness, there is an expansion. The contraction dissolves, and there is an expansion. And in the expansion we become – or recognize that we are- part of life. Nothing is outside of us, nothing is separate, and nothing is ever against us.
When we get….when we allow ourselves, we get absorbed into that. And then, as far as I have experienced, the less resistance, which brings about contraction, and contraction brings about a separation, or a seeming separation, that the more we are open and available, less unpleasant things happen. We don’t need them because we are getting the subtle messages. So it doesn’t need to build up and build up and hits us over the head or something.
If the executive would recognize soon enough that they are in tension, that they are in stress, they wouldn’t need the heard attack. But then, it’s not holding. And if you don’t hold, whatever you don’t need will drift away. Whatever you need will stay, whatever you need will come. But it’s that holding – and then, the messages need to get stronger.