Podcast: Download (Duration: 12:44 — 5.1MB)
As you relax, you expand into realising that you are part of everything and everything is part of you.
Just recently we’ve had reports of people having things go wrong. A series of things: little tragedies, little accidents, things breaking. And quite a few people have reported this and there seems to be a wave of this at the moment.
And on the other hand there is also a wave of people having realizations. Suddenly, as though a veil has dropped, they see reality in a different way.
Recently a dear friend of mine went to the dentist and had laughing gas. They put it on quite strong. So they asked for it to be turned down so they didn’t pass out so they could have the experience. And it was strong.
Afterwards, when they were sitting quietly, they had what I would say was a Satori, a realization. The veil dropped and suddenly they could see life very differently.
And what they described was that suddenly they could see the way most people are living. Intention, striving, wanting to change things, wanting, wanting, wanting. So then they checked, where are they looking from to be able to see this?
What they said was there is a vastness and they felt themselves invisible in this vastness. The way I translate that is: being one with what is, just being.
But this is very rare, very rare. What usually happens is, we are in tension. We are not just unconditionally in each moment, just as it is. We want it to be different. We want…
Now, I don’t know how deeply you get that but you could check this in your life. Every now and again set an alarm or something and stop and take a look, what’s going on in your life right in that moment. Are you really there unconditionally in that moment? Or are you doing, wanting, trying? Cause that’s what usually happens.
So this friend asked me: So how is it we are like that? How is it we never accept the moment just as it is- because we are always looking for something more. Wanting, wanting…
What I suggested is: take a look of the life of a small child, right from the very beginning. What’s happening? Teaching the child to walk, speak, hold their toy, doing, doing, doing. Teaching, pushing – so that the child becomes more capable to be able to be looking after itself. But what do we bring up? What do we produce from this?
The phrase “when you become as a little child” – so, what is a little child? It doesn’t know anything. It doesn’t understand anything. It’s right there, in that very moment, having that experience. And there is a curiosity, a natural curiosity. But it’s not forced, it’s not pushed. It doesn’t have a pressure for an outcome.
So we say “oh, the child is learning” or “the child is playing” – but it’s really not either of those things. Yes, there is playfulness there. Yes, there is a learning there. But it’s not that. It’s not about outcome.
Take a look at what happened to you at school. Wasn’t it all pressure? To learn, to pass exams, to get a high grade, to get a good job, to get more money, so you can have a bigger house and a bigger family and a bigger pension and a fancy funeral.
As a little child. In each moment. It is not going anywhere. It is experiencing that moment. It is having that experience – fully, totally. Then, the next moment unfolds on its on. Whatever is appropriate unfolds from that on its own.
There is no need to stress and try cause look what stressing and trying is doing to the world. Look what’s going on on the planet. It is not working, is it? Except for very very few… “when you become as a little child”.
People talk about when you get old, you have a second childhood. So what’s that? It’s very uncomplicated. It is simple. It is in the moment. Even people with dementia experience that. They have no memory, so they are in the moment. And all the ones I have met are very sweet, very lovely people. They are not going anywhere. They don’t want anything except what is in each moment.
It is so simple, but the mind panics: “Oh, but if we don’t, then…” and then it brings up all the negative scenarios of what can go wrong. That’s it’s job, it’s looking after you.
But you don’t need to keep plugging in to that. Because if there is a real danger, you get the message. It will come right through. You pick it up. Actually you pick it up in the belly, goes through to the heart, up to the head, right through the body, in an instant. If you are present. But of course if you are thinking about something else, even about survival, if you thinking about it you are not present. So it’s very simple. Be here now. Unconditionally.
And if you are listening to this so you could be different in the future, do you see? Missed again. It is here, it is now. Whether you get it or not, whether you learn anything, whether you get an advantage – it doesn’t matter. It is just being here. And then, something does happen.
Again somebody just wrote to me about what happened. They said they disappeared. And then, in their disappearance, they got afraid: “Well, who am I? Where am I? How do I get back? Where is it to go back to?” Then contraction again.
Stay open. Stay expanded and it will all unfold for you because as you expand, you see, you realize that you are part of everything and everything is part of you. You are, in a way, invisible. And you have a reality, and…, and… You blend into everything and everything blends into you.
As they say in the East: “When the seer and the seen are one”, and we are – we are all inter-connected.
And if that is to big for now, just spend a little time each day just sitting.
Start just being aware of your breath, that will help to bring your here.
In and out – if you noticed, as you go out, before you come in there is a little stop point there. Breath in, and before you breath out there is a little stop point there, little stop point. Everything is still.
As you breath in you actually contract a little, and then you stop. As you breath out, at the end of the breathing out, there is an expansion – and a stop. That is the point where you can feel yourself. Or not feel yourself. Because you blended in, you let everything blend into you and you blend into everything else – part, one with, absorbed with, melted into …everything.
Even if you just do that for a few minutes each day, your life would change.
It will become your priority, you start remembering. “Oh, I’m tense”, “Oh, I want this to happen”, “Oh, I don’t want that to happen” and you feel yourself contract.
As you contract, it changes your whole physical, it changes your chemicals, your electricity, your vibration, your frequency, everything changes…
And as you remember, you can let it go again. And different people experience this in different ways. One way is you feel looked after. You feel loved, you feel cared for, as so there is something else and it is very possible there is something else – beyond our limited way of experiencing things. Like people say when they have a satori or a near death experience:
God, I had idea it was really like this.
Time no more. No fear.
No againstness, no for-ness -they are opposites.
Just an unexplainable presence.
One with everything