Hi Love,
You seem to be doing great with your insights. No, it seems the world is not ready for the truth of life as it is still trying to make the idea of safety, security and predictability work. The human race invented the idea of this trinity and has been trying to make it work ever since. It is unwilling to admit that it is not working.
People say, “Do you know anyone who lives this way successfully except Paul? ” And I think the answer is no. Another question could be, “Do you know anyone who lives in a conventional relationship over a few months or so who lives in joy, happiness and freedom, without compromise? ” The answer is usually no. They usually start fighting even before the wedding. I KNOW it can work. It already does in the future/multiple reality.
The question is usually around ‘how long will it last. ’ As you say, it is not about lasting, it is about having the depth, the intimacy, the fun, now, right now. There is only now. Nothing ever happens in the future.
“I say how are we ever going to develop relating and intimacy…”
While things are based on time (which is just an illusion) nothing is fulfilling. It is not about developing anything — you, or she could be dead tomorrow. It is about now — the depth of now, this very moment. This really is it.
Sending you much love… paul