Dear friend,
You say:
“I meant to ask you the other day what you meant when you said
a friendship is much deeper than a partnership, if I heard you right.”
They are just words – of description.
It could be that,
a relationship has expectations – of responsibility,
and thus, usually, compromise.
Same, to a lesser extent, partnership.
Friendship can be something deeper.
Less set expectations, and thus more freedom to be oneself.
So not so much compromise, and all sharing is voluntary – not obligation.
So more likely to be genuine – from the heart, and not a duty.
If all these three are combined – freedom, love without expectation,
then something very rare is happening – all on its own.
I do not think that any meeting, let alone friendship, is pure coincidence.
I think we come together for our mutual expansion of consciousness.
We learn from each other what we need to experience in order to continue
our process of realisation.
Not only is every meeting a precious opportunity,
so is every moment.
Sending you lots of love