As I have said, I have no idea about dimensions, levels and things,
just a vague idea of what is going on for me right now.
Whatever it is, it is getting more pronounced.
I think the main thing is the frequency of the vibration.
It is strong, yet gentle, and all pervading.
Seems as though everything has the same vibration,
just different levels of the frequency.
At one and the same time, the body hardly seems solid,
yet more solid than ever! (No idea about that statement!)
This could be called bliss I think. Feels like it.
In my remembrance there have been different types of bliss.
One is very strong – as though on a substance –
very pleasant, and at the same time a little *artificial.*
At the other end there is a faint pleasant feeling.
In the middle is what I am experiencing lately.
It is strong, yet gentle, and is accompanied by strong feeling of love –
for everything and everybody.
The feeling of love includes gratefulness and appreciation.
There is a feeling of disconnection from the personal – on many levels.
The feeling of love seems unconditional however the person is,
and no longer my *responsibility* be be of assistance –
except if genuinely invited, and even then, not to do with the personal.
All the sensitive senses are heightened in every way.
I have always had a sense of placement, and now it is much stronger –
as though everything is part of a hidden design/installation/picture.
And I have always had an identification with the symbol of infinity
and that is much stronger now.
All I really want to do is sit in our reclining settee and let the
vibrations take over. Until something needs to be taken care of –
then I need to take care.
If I just allow, no worries. If I *try* and *do* – everything goes heavy
and difficult. Always lots to do on such a big property and fortunately
Judith is staying in the cottage and available, Bernie is often available,
and now Ananda is assisting as well. Wonderful.
And always assistance on the other end of an email – from Kira, Devesh,
Clare, Michel, Veronika, Peter, Suds, and Tanjano was fully available
while he was staying here. And many others if needed. Great.
And Sabine – always lovingly available with her caring energy. Blessed.
As I have mentioned before, there seems to be an urgency
to get everything fixed, ready for – absolutely no idea what.
Lots of our equipment has been malfunctioning –
so maybe they are getting overhauled to be ready as well!
At the same *time* there only seems to be the moment.
Nothing takes place automatically anymore –
I have to consciously do it moment to moment
Driving the car, and even walking – no longer automatic.
And eating is getting less and less important – even chocolate!
About two cups of coffee most days.
Lots more – that for now.