Greetings Dear Friend,
Like many people at this time, looks like you are at a major turning point
in your life. Congratulations.
Being a very practical subject, it is really out of my domain these days.
Although I still do have a strong preference to live, what I consider, for
me, comfortably, it is not my priority. As far back as I can remember,
never has been. Consciousness has been/is my absolute priority – beyond
everything else. And so far anyway, it seems to have worked.
I came to see that outside circumstances, in themselves, do not bring a
lasting depth of fulfilment. In order to be happy, that way, we have to be
in control of outside circumstances, and I came to see that that is not
possible, not at all – especially as almost everyone is trying to get
things the way they want them as well, and although some do, at least for
a while, it still does not work for them. Happiness is very, very rare.
I see that trying to make outside circumstances bring us fulfilment is
trying to make something work that we really know nothing about.
Virtually nothing.
We really do not know anything about the fundamental basis of life –
who/what we are.
So very early on I set out to see what I could discover about what
everything is about – me/us, where we came from, what we came for
(if anything) and if there A Something Else. Although I have yet to
discover/become one with The Something Else, I do get glimpses of
something, and now seem to see, quite clearly, what does not work.
And fortunately for me, this is confirmed by what I understand The Wise
People of the East have written.
I do realise that this may not be what you would like to hear. It is rare
that we want to hear what we need to hear. And, I am not saying I am
correct, just offering suggestions for you to feel and consider.
*Seek ye first the Kingdom of God, and all else is added on to you.*
Jesus Christ
Sending love