I think Spirituality is dead – and rotting.
We don’t need external rules – we are perfectly capable of recognising
the for and the against.
Radical? Check it out.
We know about what is happening with Catholic Priests don’t we.
Will it seems it is happening in all religions and so-called spiritual
(Incidentally, St. Peter is supposed to be the the founder of Christianity
– because he was the first to speak to Jesus after the resurrection –
yet we read in the bible that Mary was the first!
And still fights about how much women are allowed to participate!)
Those of us who think a little more about life have come to see the
ridiculousness of religion, yet not so many seem to be recognising
that the same thing is happening in the spiritual communities as well.
Reports from Tibet tell of the monks having sex with the younger interns,
but the situation is deeper seated than that.
The texts of most Buddhist sects have a definite attitude about women.
Check it out – many Buddhist monks – even even the *Higher Order Ones*
(maybe especially these) if they do talk to a woman often they do not look
them in the eyes while doing so. How come?
Suggestion: to a monk who is attempting to go beyond *the world*
sex is the most powerful and persistent energy. Sex is extrinsic to life –
the basis of life, and it is very, very strong. So avoiding it is pretty
well impossible. Looking at a woman brings up in the monk all the things he
is supposed to be going beyond (Translate that as – suppress.)
So here we have devoted spiritual men having to avoid – half the population
of the planet – 3.5 billion of the most powerful beings here!
Isn’t it time we woke up to ourselves – automatically accepting what we are
being told – about everything? – including what is being written here?
Time to take responsibility for ourselves?
Trouble is, responsibility takes a lot of energy – in each moment.