Seems that the True Seeker is A Very Rare Phenomenon.
Here are a few ways of looking at the subject.
Most people who think they are seeking consciousness are
only doing so in order to feel safe, secure and predictable.
Main Symptom – they talk about money – a lot.
Then we have people who are seeking Consciousness,
but it is secondary to wanting to be comfortable –
safe, secure and predictable.
Main Symptom – in addition to talking about money a lot,
they talk about relationships a lot as well.
The True Seeker has Consciousness as their absolute unconditional priority
– in every single moment – whatever is/is not happening.
One obvious symptom – they listen a lot.
People seeking safety, security and predictability – based on outside
circumstances, don’t ever feel they have it – no matter how much
worldly wealth and success they may have.
When you meet someone who has consciousness as their absolute
unconditional priority in every single moment there is something
different about them. They have an unusual presence – they are present.
It is as though the moment is all there is.
When you connect with them you will find they are “there”.
It is as though nothing is more or less important to them than anything
When they look at you, you feel seen – and accepted – just as you are.
You don’t feel as though they need anything from you.
Not only do you not feel judged, but it could be said that –
you feel loved – for who you are, just as you are.
Recognise your self in any of these three types?
Whatever, no worries – maybe nothing really matters –
unless you think it does.
Sending love…p