Someone wrote the other day thanking us for the suggestions, and saying,
although they agreed with what was shared about their behaviour, they did
not know how to change.
I am suggesting – to you all – this is not true. Absolutely not true. A
lie. We all know, it is just that we do not want to know. We hate change.
That seems strange – doesn’t it? We know what would change our life for
the better, yet do not do anything about it?
Here is a possible answer.
When you let in what you need to hear, your whole life, as you have known
it, disintegrates – falls apart. So do you.
“Unless you die, and be reborn.”
People often say: “I am just being me – saying my truth.”
This is not a true statement. Without realising it, what is happening is
that their robotic self is repeating the collection of opinions and conditioning with
which it has been programmed.
How come so many sharing’s are toxic? I will tell you.
When the body has something inside that is poisoning it, it vomits it out.
So does the mind. If you don’t like how you are feeling, you spew it out –
on to somebody else.
Our mental computer is programmed to keep us as safe, secure and
predictable as possible – so it surveys the past and projects it on to
what it imagines is the future. So we are addicted to our story.
Anything that does not fit to our story – attack it.
There is a tradition in Zen: ‘The Lion’s Roar.’
To try and escape our misery, we start off blaming our parents, siblings,
teachers, partners, friends – anybody but ourselves.
When that doesn’t relieve the pain we start blaming ourselves.
When that doesn’t produce the desired relief – we blame God.
Then, the realisation – there is no one one to whom we can put the blame!
This is the place we hold on most tightly. Desperately.
Then it comes – The Realisation – and – The Lion’s Roar!
And we stop holding, and allow ourselves, and everything, to fall apart.
When this happens in the Satori Group people often explain it the same way
as Jesus is said to have explained what it is like in heaven – “Time no
So to recap. It is possible that you are exactly the way you want to be –
rather that what seems to be The Great Unknown.
“Better the Devil we know than the Devil we don’t know.”
When you are really ready to let go of the identifying story you have
built up around yourself, it is gone already – and so are you, as you have
known yourself.
You, and your circumstances, are exactly the way you have designed them to
be – so complaint is ridiculous!
When anyone has their awakening experience they become delightful.
The essence is universal, and wonderfully, each retains their unique
Happy Celebrations…