It seems to be true that, very few people seem to know,
or are interested in, what is really going on.
The majority of people do not seem to realise that,
the way we are living now is totally unsustainable.
That means, the way we are living now, is terminal.
(To me, this is not too serious. There is so much suffering
that, on one level, despite the unnatural inherent fear
of death, an early end would be a relief to many people.
Plus, I don’t think we *go anywhere* – just another level of –
And, I do get a strong feeling that what is happening to us all
is perfect – we have/are creating it, and it is just what we need
to do whatever we came here to do – whatever that is.)
Even if we study the small amount of real information that is available,
the way we are living at the moment, it does not seem possible to do
much about the situation we are in.
We are consuming more of everything than we can keep producing,
or dispose of, and, we need to – to keep the system, as it is, *working.*
*More* seems to be the mantra for keeping things going the way they are.
And the resources of our planet are limited.
Not that science may not invent a seeming miracle, and produce all
we need in some new way, (as suggested in the following documentary)
but it does not address the fact that the basic level of human
consciousness here seems … primitively undeveloped?
So what can we do?
Take an overall look at our lives, and the way we are living it.
The ruthlessness, dishonesty, self-centredness that we see around us –
in industry, politics, finance, religion, and everyday life – do we have
any seeds of these in us that we are still ignoring, or supporting?
Even in the slightest?
Once we see ourselves and our life more clearly, change just happens,
and we start to contribute – in every way we can.
(In certain circumstances, even a smile can change someone’s life.)
When she was young, my eldest daughter said she was devastated
and felt hopeless about the state of children, everywhere. Then she
had the realisation that although she could not help everyone,
she could help the ones she could help. And she is still is.
So how about, just as an experiment, we take just one day out of our lives
and devote it to sharing. Then see how we feel.
(The most fulfilled people I know are dedicated to sharing.)
And a reminder for another experiment? Just for one day.
Keep watching our behaviour – to see if we are, as much as possible,
sweet, kind, gentle, caring. Not only will it benefit other people,
we may feel better than we thought possible.
Happy sharing
Documentary: Economic Calculation in a Natural Law
Peter Joseph, The Zeitgeist Movement
I did not find this documentary easy to watch and listen to –
in fact I have not yet got through more than half! Good luck.
For me there is far much too much detail for the casual listener.
(A condensed version would be preferable.)
And, the content is very good.
There are some really good gems in it.
2hrs 44 mins! (Can’t remember who sent this. Thank you.)