This is a very, very exceptional interview between
Alan Steinfeld and Lynne McTaggart:
Please listen – very, very carefully – to everything
they are sharing. It can not only change your life,
if you listening carefully it could influence all life! Really.
As I see it, it is about The Something Else –
the un-namable non-existing existence.
Fascinating. Thank you Alan; thank you Lynne.
Two exceptional people – who are using their talents
to assist us all to have a more fun life.
I fully agree with everything they are sharing – they
encompasses all the aspects of what we call reality, as I see it –
except – when they talk about influencing what we call reality.
I would not dare/assume to do that –
except as a light preference, because, to me anyway,
we do not know – anything, for sure.
So when we accumulate a power to influence what we call reality,
unless we are expanded enough to include – everything, we do not
really know what we are doing. (And that is okay as well!)
Something for you consider, once again – be very, very careful
of every single thing you think – because,
you could be creating (just one of) your realities!
Hope you enjoy expanding your mind/reality.